Apply for Event

Out of Bounds 2ronto

June 15th & 16th, 2025
Out of Bounds 2ronto

Lady Arcaders: Out of Bounds 2ronto is an in-person women & femme speedrunning event taking place on Sunday, June 15th (12pm-12am) and Monday, June 16th (12pm-11pm) 2025! Folks will play games as quickly as possible, showing off their talents and challenging themselves! The event will also be broadcast online to our Twitch channel. Everyone’s welcome to join the fun!

This event is in participation with Toronto Games Week 2025, and runs from June 11-17th. Toronto Games Week is a celebration of playable arts and culture! It is a collective coordination of events organized independently by dozens of organizations, creators, curators, and companies.

Out of Bounds will be held at Society Clubhouse, an accessible, women-owned, licensed community event space in the heart of Toronto's West End. The venue will have seating space. There will be food, drinks, and alcoholic drinks available for purchase at the venue. Masks are strongly encouraged and will be provided at the door if you have forgotten to bring your own. 

This is a ticketed event! Tickets will be available for purchase shortly after the volunteer schedule is released. It is $20 CAD for a day pass, or $35 CAD for an event pass. It is encouraged to buy tickets online in advance in case they sell out before the event starts. If there are extra seats available, they will be for sale online, and you can purchase them through your phone at the door.

Date and Times

  • Run submissions open at 2pm on March 2nd, 2025.
  • Run submissions close 11:59pm on March 30th, 2025.
  • Schedule released the week of April 7th, 2025.
  • Volunteer applications close 11:59pm on April 13th, 2025.
  • Volunteers notified the week of April 14th, 2025.
  • Tickets on sale after the volunteer schedule is released.
  • Event takes place on Sunday June 15th & Monday June 16th in Toronto, ON.

Submission Notes

  • This is a women & femme speedrunning event, all our runners must qualify for our private server to run in the event! All women/femmes are welcome, whether you're cis, trans, non-binary, or part of a marginalized group!
  • You must abide by our Code of Conduct.
  • This is an IN PERSON EVENT that will also be live streamed online. That means you must be able to perform this in person, on location, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. You must be able to transport your game, console, controller, and/or any other accessories required to run your game. We will have a PC for games run on PC.
  • We may have a slight preference for Canadian content. Bonus points for Toronto-made games.
  • This event is only running for 2 days, so keep that in mind when submitting longer showcases.
  • We cannot support a race or co-op run that requires more than one monitor. Split screen races/co-op are fine.
  • Please note that the games you submit (name, estimate, game description, and category description) will be publicly visible, as well as the links to the videos submitted. Please keep this in mind when filling it out.
  • When you are giving an estimate for your run, make sure you are estimating based on real time, not in game time.
  • For your submission videos, in preference order, we look for 1) previous event showcases 2) dedicated submission video with commentary 3) showcase with commentary. If you're submitting something without commentary, we will have a hard time determining the important points and/or tricks performed in your showcase. This will likely be a competitive event due to the fact that it is only 2 days. Please, we are asking you to submit a commentated submission video.


We are looking for the following:

  • On-site Hosts/On Screen Talent
  • On-site Comms Buddies
  • On-site Tech *
  • On-site Media/Photography *
  • On-site Info Booth
  • On-site Setup/Takedown *
  • Remote Media *
  • Remote Clip Taker *
  • Remote Moderators

Volunteers of any gender are allowed to volunteer for any positions marked with a *. You must join the Public Lady Arcaders Discord in order to apply. Hosts/On Screen Talent will have to fill out a secondary Google Form to answer additional questions as part of the application process.


Who is allowed to be a performer in this event?
✨ All women/femmes are welcome, whether you're cis, trans, non-binary, or part of a marginalized group! As long as you welcome the label of Lady Arcader, you are welcome! You must be a part of the Lady Arcaders private server.

Am I allowed to have non-women commentators on my showcase?
✨ Yes! You can. They must abide by our guidelines.

I don't have a commentator, can I request a commentary buddy?
✨ Absolutely! Please mention it in your submission notes!

Do I have to have a top time or leaderboard entry to submit my speedrun?
✨ Absolutely not! We welcome all sorts of showcases at different skill levels!

Do I have to submit a speedrun?
✨ Not necessarily, high score or skill showcases are welcome as well!

How old do I have to be to be involved in the event?
✨ Anyone of any age is welcome to attend the event, but you must be 18+ in order to submit a run or volunteer for the event.

Begin Application ▶